Thursday, March 22, 2012

Day 9: Oops.

I didn't post yesterday.  I have to try to keep on this path everyday.

Yesterday was a good day.  I listened to an audiobook about the law of attraction and learned some new and important information about making it work.  The book talked a lot about resistance and removing that resistance.  It also talked about writing out my visions clearly with lots of emotional description, and keeping a gratitude journal, where I can write out everyday the things I am grateful for.

Since I'm already writing here daily, I will use this space for both purposes.  For starters the things I am grateful for:

1. My husband: Donny is the best thing that ever happened to me.  He is kind and compassionate.  He is empathic and always knows what I am feeling and usually what to say to make me feel better.  He brings out the best in me and makes me want to be a better person.

2.  My kids: all four of them.  Each of them has their own personality and interests.  Even though they sometimes drive me crazy, they are the true joy of my life.  I can't help smile when I think of them.   I see all the potential they have for the future.

3.  My job:  I like what I do.  I like the people I work with.  And the company treats its employees really well.  I really did a good job finding this job.

4.  My dreams:  Donny & I have some great plans for the future and I am excited to think about all those things we are accomplishing.  We are working on buying the farm and building the cabin.  And just yesterday, we got some really good news about the cabin.  We found a company that could save us thousands of dollars to have it built.

There are lots more things to be grateful for, but for today I will leave it at that.  Everyday I will list out some more things I am grateful for.

Now to my vision.  Here is how I see the future we are creating.

I am thrilled at having our custom designed cedar log cabin built.  The rustic look of the cabin blends in beautifully with the surrounding woods.  In the summer, when the trees are full you can't even see the neighbors and feel completely isolated.  The small but cleanly landscaped yard around the cabin is full of animals.  This is where the foxes, raccoons, peacocks with their radiant tails, chickens, horses and deer all live.  Some of them (the predators) are in large natural enclosures surrounding the traditional red barn.  The birds and deer have much more space to run free around the house and barn, going into the barn at night for safety. 

Below the hill that house sits on is most of the rest of our land.  Much of it is fenced off for the bison and llamas.  The ducks live in the pond that also serves as the water source for the livestock.  There are also large areas of untouched woods where the boys spend much of the summer hiking and camping and playing.  Nearer to the house, but not in view, there is a tree house for the boys to play in. 

All day long, you can hear the sounds of nature around us.  The ducks quacking away in the pond, the bison bellowing and the llamas bleating in the pasture.  The chickens and peacocks squawking away in the yard.  As the seasons change, so change the sounds.  The animals going into heat and calling for mates.  The chirping of baby birds in the spring. 

The smells of nature fill the air.  The blossoming of flowers, fresh cut grass, the musky scent of foxes in heat, the manure spread out through the pasture. 

This is the part I need to work on.  I need to be able to better visualize my goal. 

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