Friday, March 16, 2012

Day 3 - Getting through disappointment

Based on the title, you can probably tell that the money I've been expecting didn't come today.  And I feel like I'm getting sick.  Donny has been sick most of this week and now I'm catching what he has. 

But I know that the money is coming.  And today is payday and Friday.  We can still have pizza for dinner tonight, as is our weekly tradition.  And for this I am grateful. 

But right now it is hard to stay grateful.  It is too easy to think about all that is wrong (and feels like it's getting worse).  So I must try that much harder to stay focused.  This morning I spend 10 minutes meditating to get myself in a good frame of mind.  I took some medicine to take care of the dis-ease symptoms and I sat down to get to work. 

The kids are off to school and I have a few minutes of quiet that I can enjoy.  Let not these moments be filled with anxiety and dread, but instead be filled with a love of life and exuberance to all living things.  Soon I will get started on my day, getting my work done and running errands before the weekend begins. 

I choose to live in abundance.  I choose to live in total health.  I choose to be happy.  These are choices that I can and do make, every day.  I know that my money will arrive soon.  I know that I will be able to build the home of my dreams on the most beautiful land in Ohio.  I know that I will succeed in my goal of building a successful and profitable farm on which I can retire and live out my life happy. 

There is nothing that I cannot attract to myself through the power of intention.  I believe in this and I trust in the Universe to provide for me.  Again I am grateful for my family.  They are my "something to live for and something to die for too."  There is nothing they do not deserve and there is nothing I won't do to provide for them. 

I am grateful for all the animals that we are blessed to have share our home.  We have not only dogs and a cat, but ducks, peacocks, foxes, raccoons, and skunks as well.  Each of them adds beauty to the nature that we create around us. 

I am grateful to have the resources to be able to write this blog and for the readers that I have.  There are not many people reading this, but I thank you.  Part of my journey through this is to share it with others.  And I ask you to further share it with more.  I have experienced the miracle of the Law of Attraction, and though times feel tough right now, I will experience it again.  And again and again.  It is never ending and brings such beauty to my life.  And even though I am no longer in touch with those who first introduced me to the Secret, I am grateful for the role they have played in my life. 

Thank you the gods and goddesses of all creation who make this world a magical and beautiful place to live and thank you for letting me exist in it.  

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