Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Day 12: Time to commit fully

I've been trying this on for a while, and I've seen some results.  Some have been good, some not so good.  But I'm starting to recognize the signs that I'm being given.  I know now that I have some issues with resistance and feeling like I deserve to receive what I want from the Universe, and I'm working on that.  So I can expect better things to come my way.  And I can expect that I am attracting those things into my life that I consciously want.  I am committing everyday to post to this blog a list of 10 things I am grateful for, and a better clearer image of my vision.  I will also spend time everyday working on removing the resistance that I have to achieving these goals.

Things to be grateful for:
1.  Working from home in a black sweatshirt when you spill strawberry preserves all down your shirt while eating breakfast.

2.  The bills I am able to pay

3.  The IRS, because they are responsible for the tax code that is allowing me to receive such a generous tax refund this year.

4.  Physical Therapy to cure my back pain without having to be sliced open, or take pain medications for the rest of my life.

5.  The financial troubles that came upon me last week, because they alerted me that I need to reorganize everything, and take some different steps to get this resolved.

6.  The dirty dishes in the sink, because it reminds me that we can afford to feed our family every day.

7.  The rising price of gas, because it makes me think about how I can drive less and better conserve gas.  This will allow us a little more time to find an alternative solution.

8.  The endless barrage of stories about gay bashing and victims of bullying, because it reminds me that we need to shift our focus away from the bashing and bullying, to the stories of love, of acceptance.  The ones that do have happy endings.

9.  The Presidential campaign, because we live in a democracy, where the will of the people determines who is in charge and what the laws are.

10.  The dogs barking in the neighbors' yards, because it encourages me to focus on my goals, most notably of getting the farm ready so we can move there.

Okay, so you may have noticed that today's list is all things we don't usually think to show gratitude toward.  I wanted to take a stab at spinning all the negativity going around.  I want to find ways to be grateful for everything in my life.  So if I can look at a bad thing and find a way to make it good, I can keep the good feeling.  I can stay in a feeling of gratitude, even when something goes a little awry.

Now on to my vision.  Yesterday I posted a lot of specific things that I want and a little detail about each.  Now I want to go back and take a deeper look at each of those and add some detail about each.

For today, I am going to focus on my cash situation.  Yesterday I wrote:

I want to have enough money to pay for any and all of my children to go to college without getting into debt.  I want to pay off my debt and live comfortably on cash.  I want to always have a surplus of cash to pay for emergencies, and unexpected expenses.  I want to buy what I want, when I want it, without having to plan and save for it.  I want to buy as much food as I want and eat whatever I like, regardless of cost.  I want to drive as much as I want and not think about the cost of gas.  

I took the advice from the Secret and from Bob Doyle.  I took a copy of my bank statement and replaced the current balance with a new desired amount.  I made this on my computer and saved the image as my desktop.  So everyday when I look at my computer, I see my bank statement with a balance of $5M.  This is a somewhat arbitrary number.  But it is a big number.  The important thing is that I don't want to think about money.  And I don't want to use credit.  In the past I have used credit badly and I would feel better being able to pay cash for everything.  And having $5M in my savings and checking accounts would mean that I can.  I would be able to just buy what I want, when I want.  And to me it implies that there is more money in other types of investments.  It is a symbol of wealth and prosperity.  It means that I am able to protect, care for and provide for my family. 

When we go grocery shopping, I can afford to buy steaks and bison meat.  I can get lots of fresh vegetables and avoid less healthy processed foods.  I can smell the steaks grilling outside, smell fresh flowers in the house.  I can taste the steaks, taste the light marbling in the filet mignon.

I can hear the boys playing the yard with new toys that they received because of good behavior and grades.  We don't need to wait until a birthday or Christmas to buy them things.  They are wearing new clothes.

I buy gas for the car whenever I need it, and don't think about if/how to reduce the amount I drive.

I manage my cash flow effectively and efficiently to allow my family to always have what they want.  I am in vibrational resonance with receiving and having large amounts of cash.

As my children express interest in extracurricular activities, I am able to enroll them in these activities.  Money is never a reason for my children not to engage in activities.  When they finish grade school and start college, I can afford to pay for their tuition without using further loans. 

In addition to having money to provide for my family, I am also teaching my children to be responsible and careful with money.  I teach them to live in abundance and how to manage any credit that they do use. 

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