Monday, April 2, 2012

Ok, so I forgot a couple of days.

Well this past week has been a roller coaster of a ride.  It seems I didn’t know what was happening half the time and the other half it was changing so quickly that I couldn’t keep up.  But it all worked out in the end. 
We were able to pay for the mortgage to keep the house out of foreclosure.  We were able to extend our time to put the down payment on the land, so we aren’t losing that.  On the down side, we did sell our Suburban and are down to one car for a short time.  But that will change in a few weeks. 
I’ve learned a lot about the law of attraction this week.  How it can work in extremely unexpected ways, how you have to follow through with inspiration because you never know what may come of it. 
Now we are looking at a smaller car when we are ready to replace the suburban.  Not too much smaller because it still needs to seat 6 with room for dogs and luggage (although that can go in trailer or on a roof rack).  We are back to planning for the cabin, although it looks like our timeline may have shifted.  We have a lot of ideas about what we want, but few ideas about how to get there, or how quickly to get there. 
But the important thing is that we are getting there.  We haven’t had to lose anything on our dreams and we continue to make progress toward them.  And I feel really good about that.  I feel very optimistic now.
So things I am grateful for:
1.    Our land, 45 acres of undeveloped woods and pasture in eastern Ohio. 
2.    Donny’s mom & her husband, whose help through our crisis made a huge difference
3.    Donny is again excited about and interested in the law of attraction
4.    I am starting physical therapy to get my back better
5.    Great new friends who share in my excitement for following my dreams
6.    Boating, whether leisurely sailing or powerboating and waterskiing, just being out on the water
7.    Weekend outings.  Taking the kids out to the farm for a day, or going to the zoo, or picking strawberries.
8.    Organizing my time, so that I minimize the need to multi-task.  When I am focused on a project, I am singularly focused on that project.
9.    Knowing there is enough money to buy the things I need and want, without having to plan and save for every small purchase
10.    A newer, smaller, more fuel efficient car that can seat 6 comfortably and tow a small livestock trailer.
My vision:
Today I want to focus on a specific scene.  It is the day we move Gretchen, our Icelandic horse to the farm.  Specifically, I see the moment that I pull onto the farm.  I am driving my burgundy Ford F250 Crew Cab, towing the livestock trailer.  I drive down Hoop Pole Rd and come over the hill before reaching our land.  And there is the driveway.  It is a gravel trail that stretches down from the road into the pasture and then back up to the house and barn, beyond the treeline.  It is a warm spring day and the air is heavy with the fragrance of flowering trees.  The windows are open in the truck and I can hear Gretchen shifting her wait in the trailer behind me.  As I start down the driveway, the trailer hitch groans and squeaks.  The gravel under the tires crushes and crumbles together, further compacting into place.  I check my mirrors to make sure the trailer is okay on the steep incline that leads us down and back up to the barn area.  It is mid-morning, and Eddie is in the truck with me.  I sip my still warm coffee, with French vanilla creamer.  Eddie and I have finished our McDonalds breakfast and the paper bag and wrappers are thrown in the back. 
The barn isn’t there yet and there is still work to be done on the house.  But it is liveable and Gretchen is just one of the many animals we need to move this week.  Because of the distance, we are moving just a few animals each day.  Then we work on the house and barn for the remainder of the day, before settling in for the night, or driving back to Dayton. 

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