Thursday, April 26, 2012

My Calling

One of the biggest issues I've had with all of this is trying to envision what I could do for a living.  I've kept saying I want to be able to take care of our animals, but worried that I wouldn't be able to support our family just from the farm.  Then it hit me. 

I should be a veterinarian.  It is the perfect choice for me.  I love animals.  I love caring for animals, and I could take care of our animals. 

Most importantly, it feels right.  I want to do this.  And I can clearly see myself doing this.  I can specialize in either large animals, like cows and horses (and bison) or exotic animals and treat foxes, raccoons, lions, tigers, etc.  I could even get a job at The Wilds and treat all the animals there.  I'm really excited about this decision. 

There is a lot to figure out to get there, but I'm sure I can do it.  I have to take a lot of undergraduate classes before I can even apply to the program, but I am not worried about it.  I just know that it will work out. 

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