Thursday, April 5, 2012

A check in the mail.

Today I received a check in the mail!  It was only for $120, but it was a check.  And it was $120 that I wasn't planning on or expecting.  This is a sign to me that I can see the law of attraction working.  I can see me shaping my life.  It isn't much, but is a start.  And it gives me hope to dream for bigger and better things. 

Why I'm grateful:
1.  True friends, who you know would do anything they can to help you.
2.  Unexpected money
3.  Bringing Noah's Arc Sanctuary to Gay Pride again this year.
4.  My oldest son's graduation at the end of May
5.  Meditation
6.  The full moon
7.  Candle magic
8.  Our new car
9.  Hiking in the woods and getting lost on your own property
10.  Success

In the movie The Secret, there is one scene when one of the speakers is describing vision boards.  And he talks about explaining them to his son.  He pulls one out to show his son and the words, "The Best Measure of Success is Joy" is written on it.

I just love that message.  I love what that implies.  And it has helped me to understand that I need to spend more time living in joy. 

So now to my vision:

Today I focus again on money.  I would like to receive $5000 in unexpected income within the next 30 days.  I don't know where this could come from.  I don't know how to get this money.  But I am asking for it.  And I believe that it will come.  I know that it will come.  So I see myself spending it.  I see myself going to the mailbox and opening the envelope that holds this check.  There is a short letter included to explain where it has come from and why I am receiving it now. 

Or I see myself getting an email stating that this money has been sent through PayPal to Noah's Arc Sanctuary, the non-profit animal sanctuary that I started a few years ago.

I can feel the momentary disbelief that I feel as I receive this wonderful gift.  I immediately start planning what this money is for.  I am making the plans for Gay Pride for Noah's Arc to have a float in the parade, and a booth to take pictures with our Ohio wildlife.  I am buying the camera and software that I need to be able to take these photos.  I am planning my son's graduation party and ordering his class ring.  I am thrilled to have this money, knowing how much stress this relieves.  I treat my family to a dinner out at a nice restaurant, to be grateful for this money and for the ability to use this money to make this world a better place, just a little at a time. 

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